I think the struggling was due to being super busy. Eating healthy, whether you are detoxing, or just trying to eat a better diet, is time consuming. On a busy day, it is so much easier to order a pizza, or Chinese take out. Making homemade dressings, marinades, smoothies & juices takes time.
I like this plan. I mean, it is very low calorie....Day One=650 calories. That is low. But, I like the food {most of it} & I hope to keep several of the principles. I can use the smoothies as meal replacements. I can use the dressing & marinade for more healthy lunches, etc.
If I ever think about doing another cleanse/fast type thing, I think 3-5 days is my limit!
7:00am {or upon rising}: A glass of room temperature lemon water
8:00am: Herbal Tea {still doing black coffee}
10:00am {breakfast}: Blueberry & Almond Smoothie
11:30am: Coconut water
1:30pm {lunch}: Mixed Greens with Steamed Salmon, Olive Oil & Lemon Juice
4:00pm {snack}: Super Greens Juice
6:00pm {dinner}: Detox Teriyaki Chicken, brown rice & steamed zucchini

You know the drill, right?
Follow the instructions here.

Mixed Greens with Steamed Salmon, Olive Oil & Lemon Juice
Follow the instructions for the Steamed Salmon & Greens here.
Note: I used the Carrot Ginger Dressing instead. While there is nothing wrong with the food, if it was a normal day. After nearly 6 days of detoxing, I could barely choke it down. Ugh! I am miserable.
UPDATE: After talking with Mamalizza, we have decided that 5.5 days is enough. I am DONE! I did feel good this morning. But, as the hunger set in, I became more & more irritable. I decided that doing this another day & a half wasn't going to accomplish anything more except maybe a 1/2 pound loss & a very miserable person.
I am proud that I made it as long as I did. It was hard.
For any readers that have done this cleanse before, I would love to hear how you did? How long you made it? and, if you thought it was worth it?
For me, I know I will never try a 7 day cleanse again. I do think that my body needed it. But, after 3-5 days, how much more do you really get out of it? I don't think it is healthy to eat so little for that long. I would also recommend that if you do it for more than 2-3 days, that you modify her menus & add more food. Like, for instance, eating some brown rice with dinner, having oatmeal for breakfast daily, etc. I think if I had been doing that earlier on, I may have made it longer.
I hope to keep off the weight I have lost on this {I think about 8 lbs.} by watching what I eat & exercising. Don't worry. The Parsley Thief has not turned into some raw, health food guru. I will now go back to posting the yummy & healthy food I always have. It's all about portion control folks!
You did great -- 5.5 days and an 8 pound weight loss is awesome. I agree, it's all about portion control.
wait! wasn't it 6.5 days?!
we had a variation of the smoothie yesterday and it was great. ginger dressing was terrific, too. dipped my french fries in it...yum.
I think I could enjoy this smoothie everyday and not get tired of it.
I'm starting a 21 day modified cleanse on the 26 ... you might want to stay away from Darien for those 21 days. I'll be ready to party for egg hunt!
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