...our sweet as pie baby girl! Sophia Marie was born nearly two weeks ago, on July 25th at 10:58pm...an hour and two minutes before her due date. She's perfect in every way, with blue eyes and a generous mop of dark brown hair! I was shocked she wasn't a redhead because after having two crimson haired boys before her, I figured it was destined, but I'm fine with a brunette too! I'm happy my husband has at least one child that takes after him in the hair color department, and truthfully, I could care less what color her hair is...I'm just over the moon that she's here and healthy!
These past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of emotions. Everything from sheer infatuation and adoration to being completely overwhelmed by it all. It's been nine years since I held my last baby in my arms, so this has been like starting all over again. The most surreal part of it so far has been watching our household grow to a family of five. Getting in the car feels different {and certainly fuller with a carseat!}, laying in our king sized bed on a Sunday morning is cozier, and going grocery shopping is more chaotic than ever..but best of all has been seeing my two sons welcome their baby sister. They are smitten beyond words and couldn't be more helpful. I know the novelty will probably wear slightly with time, but for now, I'll take it!
These past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of emotions. Everything from sheer infatuation and adoration to being completely overwhelmed by it all. It's been nine years since I held my last baby in my arms, so this has been like starting all over again. The most surreal part of it so far has been watching our household grow to a family of five. Getting in the car feels different {and certainly fuller with a carseat!}, laying in our king sized bed on a Sunday morning is cozier, and going grocery shopping is more chaotic than ever..but best of all has been seeing my two sons welcome their baby sister. They are smitten beyond words and couldn't be more helpful. I know the novelty will probably wear slightly with time, but for now, I'll take it!
I've been working on this post, a little here, a little there, for days now, but I'm at Sophia's command at the moment, and having any extra "hands free" time has been a luxury I'm rarely afforded. There's so much more I want to talk about and share with you...and hopefully, over the coming weeks I'll be able to. Since I was last here, I've had two amazing baby showers - thrown and attended by my many amazing friends and family members. The starting over part doesn't just apply to the emotional and physical parts of this process, but also to the material aspects as well. I got rid of every single last bit of baby gear I had from my previous two babies years ago and have had to start from square one with that too. I'll be sharing all of my favorite baby finds with you soon!