Welcome to the newly designed {and not finished yet!} home of The Parsley Thief! Ellie, over at
Rainy Day Templates, helped give me the layout I wanted...she rocks!!
It will be some time before I have all the kinks worked out....and, there are many a kink. I have a lot of work to do, on my end, to finish it up. But, knowing me, I will not rest until every single one of them is done!
I know some of you might think, Hey! We liked it before, why change it?
Well, when I started this blog, over 2 years ago now {has it really been that long?!}, I really had
no idea what I was doing. I picked one of Blogger's cookie cutter templates & tried to make it look the way I wanted it to. I liked the way it looked. But, grew bored of it & wanted it to function more the way I wanted & needed it to, but didn't know how. Since then, I have learned a bunch about it...but, still not enough to get it {blogger} to do exactly what I wanted...not without many a headache. So, I saved myself a few more headaches & got help! So glad I did!
I hope you all like it as much as I do!!
Update {6/3/10}: I am hammering out some photo issues. All the pictures won't always be this big! I want some big pics, but not all this huge! Just still hammering out some kinks! Thanks all!
Also, some readers are reporting that the new layout is too wide for their computer screen & that part of the title banner is getting cut off. Will be working on that as well!