In our house we have been through several different types of chore chart solutions. We've tried the home-made ones with stickers, some dry erase versions with magnets. Most of the ones I find, are too limiting as far as what you can add to them. Many don't have enough lines to enter all the chores I want to list on them. And the ones that do, are so big they take up the whole fridge.
I saw a link to PurpleHug's Etsy shop on a Mommy blog & found these. I think it is such a brilliant idea! You order the magnetic notepads from her, for a very affordable price, and then she personalizes them for you. You can add whatever chores apply to your family, and add any theme, or images you want...they can be stock images she has, or your own. It also comes with a ton of stickers...1400 star stickers & 350 special encouragement stickers.
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