I am all for green cleaning products. I love that this is one you can make yourself. It's an easy & economical way to get nearly any surface in the house clean. Best of all, it's earth friendly.

To make it, you'll need an empty 32 ounce spray bottle, some distilled white vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, tea tree oil, unscented castile soap, and some essential oil (for fragrance).

Begin by adding 2 cups of water to your spray bottle. I used a funnel to make life easier.

To that, add a 1/2 cup of white vinegar,

1 teaspoon castile soap,

3/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide,
and 20 drops (approx. 1/2 teaspoon) each of tea tree oil & essential oil. I used lemongrass oil.

Shake it all up & get cleaning. I love the way it smells!
that's great! Thank you for sharing this. Your photos are wonderful. :)
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