Frequent readers of The Parsley Thief will know that I love outfitting my kids in clothing from Tea Collection. I wrote about their versatile & well-made spring clothing here...they were one of my sponsors this past month...and, now they're offering THREE of my readers a free {boys or girls} graphic tee of their choice!
This giveaway is part of "The Tea Liking Spree" where visitors of their website can "like" their favorite graphic tee & reduce the price...the more likes your favorite style receives the lower the price goes!
To Enter the Giveaway:
Simply visit The Tea Liking Spree Page, then leave a comment here on The Parsley Thief stating which graphic tee is your favorite. As an extra bonus, you can enter this giveaway multiple times by sharing it with the public, through twitter, facebook, or your own blog. For each shout out, you can enter your name again, in the comments section of this post...just provide a link, showing how you shared it.
The winners will be chosen at random on Monday June 13th.
Psst...for any of you that just can't wait to pick up some of their designer duds...their Semi-Annual Sale with savings of up to 40% off started June 7th!
Some Updates: Based on some feedback I've received from readers, I have some clarifications. The graphics tee's shown in the image above are not the only ones available in this giveaway. There are also some adorable designs for girls! Simply follow the link above for the Tea Liking Spree Page to see the whole selection. Also, a comment on Tea's website does not give you an entry in this giveaway...you must comment here to be entered to win!
THE WINNERS ARE: Comments #5 {Patti}, #14 {Lauren H.} & #22 {Catherine}
Please contact me @ theparsleythief{at}gmail{dot}com to collect your prize!
I love the El Gato Layer Tee, but it is so hard to pick one!!
I can enter again?? Here is the link I shared on my FB page! Can I post it more than once to enter again?
Ooh, I agree with Lauren. I like the El Gato, but Madilyn (or Penny or Sadie or Elizabeth) would look adorable in any of them :-)
I love the el gato and the bull tee.
I like the surfista shirt. I used to surf way back when and Penny loooovvvees pink!!
My daughter would love the Flores Layer Sleeve Tee!
I love the Toro Layering Tee!
I think the Toro Layering Tee and the Flores Layer Tee would look super cute on both of my kids.
these tees are amazing!! i can see why you love them so much. the colors, design, etc. = fabulous! hope you are well!
I love Cubist Stripe Tee!
I also twitted this giveaway.
Thanks for this chance!
I like the horsey one!
And this is for fb...thanks Katie :)
I tweeted it too...what the hey!
We are loving the Pajarito tee! Put a bird on it=instant art!!! Annabelle looks good in retro!
I like the Caballo Graphic Tee. Thanks so much for the chance to enter. We love The Tea Collection.
I shared this on Facebook.
ooh I love the tiger one! I'm so glad you shared this company! They have the cutest stuff!
I like the Flores Layer Sleeve Tee!
Love the guitar tee for my son...my boyfriend and son are very musical...we even take our guitars with us when we travel :)
I like the Tigre tee!
I like the "HOLA" tee for my son!
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