Sunday, September 28, 2008

How to Paint Your Kitchen Floor Red

My brother lives in a cottage on the D-Ring Ranch. The owner of the ranch had wall-to wall carpeting throughout the cottage. Probably in an effort to keep it warmer during the winter months.
But, having carpeting in a kitchen & bathroom is not really practical with a dog, and a muddy ranch. My sister in law really wanted to do something different.
I recommended the first day I was here that for the time being they rip it up & paint the sub floor. It's not the ideal solution...but, it completely fits in with the rustic charm of their place.

We started by getting the necessary provisions.

Then we began by ripping all the carpeting up in the kitchen, hallway, and bathroom.

Next, we scraped up any leftover glue & gave the floor a good vacuuming.

Then a coat of primer.

While things were drying up, we took a break.

Then, on to laying on two coats of red paint.

Another break....

And a final two coats of sealer.

Then the finished product!!


LMBrown said...

Wow! Looks awesome! Great job to you all!

mamalizza said...

when are you gonna have your own magazine martha ray??

Emily said...

So fresh and so clean clean!

Emily said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Emily said...

Nice Miele!

meg said...

impressive. so shiny!! let me guess, then you cooked a fabulous dinner in that kitchen right?

katie said...

Actually, there wasn't as much time to cook as I wanted!
But, I did make some Beef Bourguignon in the kitchen pre-floor :)

Anonymous said...

that looks really good! nice work

Anonymous said...

on a per gallon basis, did you use more paint or beer?

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