I've been pretty bad about getting the camera out & taking picture of my guys lately. I know once spring finally decides to make a real entrance we'll be outdoors more...and, I'll be taking more photos. In the meantime, I did get some pics of my little guy's beautiful artwork this weekend.
I had a vase full of roses on our dining room table. He saw them there, pulled out his art supplies & got to work. At the moment, he's obsessed with still lifes. It makes me so happy to see him enjoying art...and, although bias, I think he's pretty darn good at it. My favorite detail was that he chose all the colors for his picture before he started & had them all laid out neatly, in order, next to his paper.

he is so stinkin cute!
beautiful drawing! takes after his mommy :)
beautiful roses! I just LOVE your blog :)
wow! framers! great photos too Kate! Fab!
Such a beautiful drawing. How old is the little artist?
He's 6 :)
Katie, I thought you 'staged' the crayons there for the picture! Very talented just like his mommy!
His art looks fantastic! I'll have to tell the art teacher to check it out :)
now you definitely have to frame that one:)
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