Some recent finds around the blogoshere & elsewhere...
a. These super cute, retro dishtowels are right up my alley. They remind me so much of my grandmother! She used to have dishtowels just like these. They're available from House8810 & I found them over @ Design Mom.
b. Another great jewelry find over @ Etsy {have I ever mentioned I'm addicted to that site!?}. I love the style of these rings...made from leather & cotton thread. Check out the rest of Kjoo's shop. She's got loads of great finds!
c. I have a thing for anything made from felted wool. So, when I saw this rug, from HAY, it was love @ first sight. I can only imagine the amount of work that goes into making it!
d. Tis' the season for hearty stews, soups & chili...many of which call for beans. If you'd like to get your hands on the most unbelievable collection of heirloom varieties, Rancho Gordo is the place to go!
e. Bike Dress Guards. How beautiful & so functional! I wish I had myself one back in the days before I drove everywhere & instead rode my bike.
f. {Not Pictured} On a side note...I have mentioned here many times how I love to collect bits & pieces of inspiration from all over the place...books, magazines, the internet & save everything in "Inspiration" folders. I have recently become addicted to a website, called Pinterest. It's basically an "Inspiration" folder website. You collect things you love, via images & add them to your own online "pin boards". Not only can you save all the things you love, but you can also surf the collections of others! LOVE it & you must check it out...if you haven't already!
Susanna turned me onto Pinterest .... I'm addicted.
Let's go over and eat all of Susanna's soup then we can have our own soup swap!!!
Those beans look so cool!
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