A slightly Valentine's Day inspired collection of stuff I love. Slightly, because not all of it is Valentine's Day inspired.
a. These are the Valentine's Day cards the Bozo's gave out this year. I saw them at a friend's house & ran out the second I left to buy them for my guys. They love anything having to do with space, so I had to have them. There are 4 designs with a special one for the teacher. I also love the envelopes with little white stars all over them. The website is sold out of the girl variety, but I did see those in person & they are equally adorable...for next year, folks.
b. Well, this has nothing to do with Valentine's, or does it? It's a place to store all your kids art supplies. The very art supplies they might use for their Valentines?
I know for me, that every afternoon when it's homework time, it's "Mom, where are the pencils?", or "scissors", or "glue sticks", or "crayons". This would be perfect for keeping all their stuff in one place. And, if you don't need a storage solution for art supplies, then plant a little herb garden in the clay pots...that would also be super cute.
c. I saw these oyster shell candleholders in the Wisteria catalog {I love that dang catalog} & thought they looked pretty. Then I saw them in person at Dovecote, in Westport, CT & was even more impressed. They are much bigger in person, than they look in the catalog. Oysters are aphrodisiacs, right?
d. I know that some women would be deeply offended by receiving anything having to do with homemaking as a romantic gift. But, not me! I want this white Le Creuset so freaking bad! I have a big, red one. But, I want a smaller one, for cooking smaller quantities {I hate lugging the huge one out every time I cook} & a more neutral color would be nice too.
e. I flipped through this cookbook the other day & I want it! Every single recipe in it looks absolutely delicious & has a beautiful glossy photo to accompany each one. The perfect place to look for a Valentine treat.
f. I love this couch! It looks like nothing special until you see it in person. It's super duper deep, which is perfect for snuggling side by side with your sweetie pie. When you sit on it, it's like sitting on a cloud.
loved the valentines! dany's first one ever:) that just seals the deal that she's marrying one of the bozos!
George played w/ his robot valentine for two hours... they were awesome! Thanks Bozos!
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