We spent 1 day in upstate Connecticut, visiting family on their lake.
Then it was on to 6 days in Maine...and after that a long weekend on Block Island with friends. Everyone in this house is suffering from an end-of-summer depression...
I did cook some awesome food on our travels. But, none of it was documented, due to my vacation bliss state of mind. But, I plan on re-creating some of them here at home in the coming weeks.

This is where we stayed in Maine, with my Dad, Stepmom, and a few of my sibs.

I love this shot my sister, Emily, took of our back from the beach mess in the yard.

Miles, ready for the beach.
Max & my sister, Elizabeth barely got out of the water.
Miles too, once he got a hang of the raft.

Dh & Max making a drip castle.
My sister, Olivia.
Our view from the porch at night.
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